While most people understand the importance of maintaining good oral health, they still don’t adopt healthy practices to keep their teeth and gums healthy.
According to a recent study, gum disease and cavity infection are directly associated with cardiac, diabetes, and hypertension. Invest in Qutek’s smart sonic toothbrush to maintain good oral health and overall wellness.
Here are some ways you can improve oral health.
Brush Properly
Brushing twice a day and following the correct brushing procedure is important. Start with small, circular strokes, and brush all the way from front to the last tooth.
Avoid using brushes with hard bristles unless you’re dealing with severe plaque issues. Use a brush with soft bristles to keep the tooth enamel and shine intact. Moreover, don’t spend more than three minutes brushing your teeth as it can lead to surface damage and bleeding gums.
Use Fluoride
You may have seen many kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes advertised as “fluoride-rich.” These products can help improve teeth shine, make them stronger, and prevent cavities.
Evidence suggests that low fluoride levels in teeth can lead to quicker tooth decay in adults.
Invest in an Electric Toothbrush
Smart medical technologies have made it easier for consumers to invest in robust and effective automatic toothbrushes. At Qutek, we offer our patented Smart Sonic toothbrush that comes with several benefits.
A medical study states that people who use a smart toothbrush are 50% less likely to develop an oral disease than those who don’t. Our Smart Sonic Toothbrush features Find Brush Area Detecting Technology that identifies and targets teeth that need immediate cleaning.
Find Health Benefits of Wearable Tech products on our website. At Qutek, we believe that smart medical technology is the new wave of the future. Our high-end, Customised Medical Care Solutions Kuwait are available in UK, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait.
Check out our smart medical products including the Magicure Neck Massager and Body Composition scale, or contact us for more details right away!